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Intermediate Youth Epee

This class is intended for students 12 and under who have completed Beginning Fencing or who have been recommended by a coach. Students will use learned techniques in structured swordplay with one another. Students at this level can start to swordplay with others in Open Gym.
Intermediate goes over the next two of the foundation five levels of the Blades curriculum. The skills necessary to complete this program are more specific and detailed than those in the previous program, thus class completion, typically, takes approximately a year. Students are expected to start buying their own fencing equipment for practice and open swordplay.
Students are encouraged to continue training and enter the Competitive Intermediate or apply for the Competitive Elite once completing the two Intermediate levels of the Blades curriculum.
Motivated students may do Intermediate concurrently while applying for Competitive Intermediate/Elite program. Ask for more details.

Membership Terms
Contract Length: 1 month(s)
Attendance: 2 classes per week
Begin Date: Sep 20, 2024
End Date: Oct 20, 2024
Payment Terms
Price: $80.00 signup fee, plus $300.00 monthly

Due Now

Signup Fee  $80.00
First Installment  $300.00
Total Due Now  $380.00

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